Friday, September 12, 2008

guide 4

For some reason, meteorites are the thing this month. Jean-Baptiste Hynh has photographs of them at Sonnabend, and at D'Amelio Terras Gallery Demetrius Oliver comes up with this boring combo. As the press release so helpfully explains:

Through large-scale photography, sculpture, slide-projection, and video, Observatory articulates a visual form for the cycles of thought, investigation, and experimentation endemic to artistic practice and self-discovery. Relying on materials encountered in daily routine and capturing their reflections off of curved surfaces, Oliver redeploys prosaic objects to unveil new contexts and sites of meaning ....

One day soon I promise to publish the best meaningless sentences from gallery press releases.

There's always a hip show of the moment and right now it's Roe Etheridge at Andrew Krepps. Etheridge is one of those photographers who works both the art and commerce side of photography and he seems to be quite influenced by the innovative color photographer of the 1930s, Paul Outerbridge. Again I could do without the conceptual layering with which the show is presented but I particularly liked the photo of Etheridge's wife, Nancy.

And there's another good giveaway if you like poster size prints.

Alessandra Sanguinetti (at Yossi Milo) continues her series begun in 1999 following two young Argentinian cousins -Guillermina and Belinda. Having cultivated an intimate and collaborative relationship with the pair, Sanguinetti's images seem both fantastical and surreal as the girls transition from childhood to adulthood.

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