Saturday, January 23, 2010

Weekend Video

A summer clip for a winter day:

One of the highlights of last summer's Woodstock anniversary was Barbara Koppel's documentary, "Woodstock: Now and Then", full of old newsreels, concert footage, and now and thens of many of the performers and concert goers. One of the interviewees who particularly stood out for me was Santana drummer Michael Shrieve, who I remember from my teen years as being about the coolest guy around and whose cool I thought stood up pretty well 40 years on!

A great anecdote from the film, was the story of how Carlos Santana was so zonked out on mescalin he thought his guitar was a snake and most of his performance was trying to hold on to the writhing snake and keep it under some kind of control. So here are both the full performance of "Soul Sacrifice" (above), and a clip from the Koppel doc. (below). I noticed that only 488 people had seen this clip on YouTube so I hope it's fresh content.

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