Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Season's Greetings

With a gallery owner, an editor in chief, and a teenage daughter in the family, it's never easy to find a Christmas card everyone agrees on. This year proved particularly challenging as my daughter's braces came off a week ago requiring a new visual. However, thanks to the trusty (albeit focus challenged) iPhone and the Matt Umanov guitar store on Bleecker Street where my son was trying out banjos, we came up with this e-card that everyone was happy with.

The family picture Christmas card seems a particularly American tradition. I think Europeans find it a bit embarassing - either deludedly self-promoting or too personal, but I think it's nice to see how people's kids are growing up or how Mom and Dad look hiking in Yosemite!

Our best card photographically had to be a picture of the kids taken by The Sartorialist a couple of years ago but he's been so busy with his book tour there was no chance of that this year.

Clearly the photos above are no great shakes aesthetically, but as the readership of this blog is a photographic one, send in your Xmas card photos to jd@danzigerprojects.com and I'll post a selection.

Happy Holidays!

J&J (&J) by The Sartorialist. 2007.

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